Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cover Reveal: Devotion by Kristie Cook

 First I would love to say what an honor it is to show you guys the cover and the jacket copy of Kristie Cook's upcoming book Devotion! It is the third book in the Soul Saver's Series and I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this beautiful book!!! Now without further ado here is the amazing cover! 

With powerful abilities gained from the Ang’dora and Tristan back by her side, Alexis thinks she’s ready for the next challenge—protecting her son from what appears to be the inevitable. But she has so much to learn about her powers, her new world and the people in it. Nothing is what it seems to be on the surface, including the Amadis. Having believed the secret society to be definitively good and righteous, she discovers she couldn’t have been more wrong.

Power-hungry politicians comprise the council and make impossible demands. A traitor lurks among them all, inciting trouble that could destroy the Amadis and, ultimately, humanity. The Daemoni wreak havoc in the human world, with the ultimatum that they’ll continue attacking innocents until Alexis and Tristan are expelled from the Amadis’ protection. The couple’s own society begins to shut them out. But that’s not all.

There’s a secret. A big one. And faith and hope in Alexis and Tristan will be restored if she can uncover the truth in time.

But the search for answers leads only to the discovery of more betrayals by those closest to Alexis. Her devotion is put to the test—devotion to her husband, to her family, to her people and to her beliefs—leaving her to question whom she’s fighting for and why she should even bother. But if she won’t fight … who will?

Now how you cannot want that book sitting on your shelf with all the other beautiful books? I for one will be buying this book no matter what! And do you know who designed this amazing cover? The equally amazing author Brenda Pandos!!! Thats right. Not only is Brenda an amazing author......she is an amazing artist on top of it!  

Now if you would like to follow Kristie or Brenda just follow the links below to their pages and say hey! They totally deserve  all of the love that they get :)