Title: Die For Me (Revenants Book 1)
Author: Amy Plum
Publication Date: May 10th, 2011
DIE FOR ME is the first of three books about Kate, a sixteen-year-old American who moves to Paris after the death of her parents. It introduces a new version of the undead with revenants, beings who are fated to sacrifice themselves over and over again to save others’ lives. Kate finds herself falling for Vincent, who she discovers is not the typical French teenager he appears: he is something else entirely.
DIE FOR ME presents a new supernatural mythology presented in a city where dreams are sometimes the same as reality
My Review:
Okay first I would have to say that this book wasn’t horrible. I think that this book has been done in another form (if you know what I mean). Parents die, move to foreign country, meet a hot guy, that is mysterious, and then almost die with a happy ending. Where have we seen this before? Yeah like everywhere. When I first started it I was really confused because it jumped around without much detail on how it got there. I like the world that she created with the Revenants and the Numa. I have never actually read a book like this but it still has the whole good, bad guy thing. I think that my favorite characters would have to Jules and Charlotte. Jules was just like Vincent only a little more relaxed, and with Charlotte she was like the best girlfriend that anybody could ask for. Kate I didn’t like so much. She was a little too stuck up when it came to thing that had to do with Vincent. And Vincent…..well a little too romantic. When they “broke up” he like wallowed in his own pity for so long that it was extremely unattractive! I would recommend this book to most people if this is the kind of books that they are interested in. It just was not really my cup of tea. Good story though and I am sure that I will buy the next because I am curious about it since I thought this book was a standalone.
3.5 out of 5 Stars
Where you can Amy Plum: